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Moving Out Made Easy: A Guide to Getting Your Bond Back

Moving Out Made Easy: A Guide to Getting Your Bond Back

Getting your bond back in full can feel like winning the lottery at the end of a stressful move. But fear not, renters. With a little preparation and know-how, you can significantly increase your chances of that happy feeling. Here's your guide to a smooth move-out and a full bond return.

Know Your Lease

  • This is your bond bible. Read it carefully to understand what's expected of you when leaving the property.
  • Pay close attention to cleaning requirements, any pre-existing damage notations, and specific move-out procedures.

Document Everything

Document everything

  • Move-In Inspection
    • Did that tiny scratch exist before you moved in? Take photos of any pre-existing damage with timestamps and keep them for your records.
  • Move-Out Inspection
    • Once you've spackled, painted, and cleaned, document your sparkling space! Take detailed photos and even a video walkthrough showcasing the property's condition.

Every State or Territory have their own rules, so check your local legislation regarding moving in and out.

Cleaning is King

  • Your lease will likely outline specific cleaning expectations. Don't underestimate the power of a thorough clean.
  • Deep clean everything, from blinds to baseboards, ovens to exhaust fans. There are even professional bond clean services available for peace of mind. Bonus Tip: Go with the real estate's preferred cleaners.

Cleaning is king - Renters

Be Proactive with Repairs

  • Notice a leaky tap during your cleaning? Don't wait until the inspection. Address minor maintenance issues promptly and report as soon as you noticed them.

Bonus Tip:

  • Maintain a good relationship with your landlord/property manager throughout your tenancy. Clear communication and responsible behaviour go a long way in ensuring a smooth move-out process.

By following these steps, you can move out with confidence, knowing you've done everything possible to get your bond back. Now go forth and conquer your move – with your full bond in tow! Looking for your next home? Contact your local friendly property manager.



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