PRD Glenmore Park Shop 3c 90-98 Glenmore Ridge Dr, Glenmore Park, NSW, 2745 02 4704 8555
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Suburb Statistics

Suburb Information

Welcome to your overview of key property statistics in Glenmore Park, Mulgoa, Orchard Hills, Luddenham, and Wallacia. Our data-driven platform offers valuable insights into the real estate landscape of these vibrant communities, empowering both buyers and sellers with essential information to make informed decisions.

Whether you're exploring market trends, median prices, or property types, our curated statistics provide a snapshot of each area's dynamics.

Explore key statistics for these local suburbs below and start to unlock the knowledge you need to succeed in your property journey.

For more comprehensive analysis or additional details, please contact us today!

Growth Chart glenmore park (Houses)

Growth Chart mulgoa (Houses)

Growth Chart orchard hills (Houses)

Growth Chart luddenham (Houses)

Growth Chart wallacia (Houses)

Recent Properties

Source: Suburb Flyover Report Series, APM Pricefinder. PRD does not give any warranty in relation to the accuracy of the information contained in this report. If you intend to rely upon the information contained herein, you must take note that the Information, figures and projections have been provided by various sources and have not been verified by us. We have no belief one way or the other in relation to the accuracy of such information, figures and projections. PRD will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any statement, figure, calculation or any other information that you rely upon that is contained in the material. Prepared by PRD Research © All medians and volumes are calculated by PRD Research. Use with written permission only. All other responsibilities disclaimed.

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