PRD Mildura 119 Langtree Avenue Mildura, VIC, 3500 03 5022 7750
Request An Appraisal

Appraisals & Guarantee for Landlords

Receive a FREE, no-obligation Rental Appraisal for your property by contacting our professional property management team at PRD Mildura.

At PRD Mildura, we adhere to stringent Property Management Customer Service Standards and Guarantees for our Landlord Clients.

Marketing Your Property for Lease: Upon agreement, we will place a 'For Lease' sign on your property within 2 working days of listing, if permitted. Your property will be advertised on all the real estate websites we subscribe to, featuring at least 3 photographic images. Depending on our agreement, we will also advertise your property in the newspapers.

We conduct unlimited private viewings each week until your property is leased, provided we have access from any current occupant. These viewings are always conducted by our representatives, ensuring your property is presented at its best. We keep you updated weekly on the status of your property until it is leased.

Leasing Your Property: We verify all tenant information and references within 1 working day of receipt. Applicants are screened through national tenancy databases, and with your approval, we proceed with the most suitable applicants. We aim to lease your property at the rental amount agreed in the Management Agency Agreement, and we will not lease it for a lower amount without your prior approval. We prepare all tenancy documentation within 2 working days of tenancy approval, aligned with the tenancy commencement date and tenant availability.

Rent Collection: Our zero tolerance rent arrears policy ensures diligent follow-up of all rent payments according to our arrears process and relevant legislation. If a tenant reaches 11 days in arrears, we contact you for instructions regarding potential tenancy termination and keep you informed throughout any legal processes. Rent arrears are advised to you within 1 working day of clearance by the tenant.

Rent Monies: All rent received is banked into your nominated account or sent by cheque within 2 working days of our Rent Statement close off date. We can arrange for bi-monthly rent payments if needed.

Repairs and Maintenance: We address non-urgent repair requests from tenants within 2 working days. Urgent repairs are attended to within 4 hours. We ensure all repairs are carried out by licensed and insured tradespeople, providing you with invoice copies for all arranged work.

Tenancy Agreement Renewals and Inspections: We handle tenancy renewals 90 days before the expiry, maintaining the rent or adjusting it according to market conditions. We conduct two periodic inspections per year and manage the vacating process efficiently, ensuring smooth transitions for incoming tenants.

Communication and Professional Standards: Our office is responsive to telephone messages, emails, faxes, and postal mail within specified time frames. We promptly address any tenant complaints, providing written acknowledgment within 1 working day. All documentation we provide is clear, accurate, and comprehensive. We maintain all personal information with the utmost confidentiality and compliance with professional standards as mandated by the Real Estate Institute of Australia.

Optimise the leasing and management of your property in Mildura with PRD Mildura's trusted professional services.

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