PRD Orange 24 Sale Street, Orange, NSW 0428 650 675
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Coraki/3633 Bogan Road
peak hill
NSW, 2869

Land: 751.07 Hectare

Productive and established rural holding

This 751.067 ha property offers a sound income from mixed farming. It has been pasture improved and boasts ample water supply with its two large dams plus 8 troughs providing water to all paddocks: contour banks feeding the waterway which then supplies the system of dams. A solar system pumps water into a 5000 gallon tank from a dam at the top of the hill from where water is gravity fed to each of the troughs.
Dam sizes; 10,000, 7000,000, 7 X 3000, 6,000, 1000 cu yards.
Approximately 404.6ha of available cropping country.

Extensive work with soil conservation has resulted in a highly productive and carefully thought out management that mitigates soil erosion while maximising yield and soil moisture.

Grazing: native grasses, Balincia clover, Rose clover, Cavalier medic, Boloto Bladder clover, Dalkeith sub clover etc. Trefoil.
20.2 ha of Premier Digit Tropical grass established with some Serradella within it and other clovers. Potential for increased stocking rates with further developments of tropical grass in similar lighter country towards the hill.

The very well equipped three stand woolshed is functional and well-designed. A good set of sheepyards behind the woolshed with another set of sheepyards adjoining a laneway. Two good-sized machinery sheds, hayshed, water tanks and silos all add to the capacity of this holding. The stock proof fencing is in good repair and the property is divided into 16 paddocks with good shade.

The four bedroom homestead has a lovely sunroom, kitchen, and entertaining area with rear verandah perfect for entertaining or unwinding. Both bathrooms are modern while the living areas are light-filled and generous.

The property is located approximately 30 kms from Parkes, 14kms approx from North Parkes Mine.

This property is a credit to the current owners who have invested thought and time into improving the land, ensuring it is sustainable and productive,

Rates $2589 per annum


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