Emergency repairs are:
- a burst water service or a serious water service leak
- a blocked or broken toilet
- a serious roof leak
- a gas leak
- a dangerous electrical fault
- flooding or serious flood damage
- serious storm, fire or impact damage
- a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply
- a failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on the property for hot water, cooking or heating
- a fault or damage that makes the property unsafe or insecure
- a fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a tenant
- a serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of the property that unduly inconveniences a tenant in gaining access to, or using, the property.
All other repairs are considered routine repairs. These must be reported via email to your Property Manager.
During business hours please contact your Property Manager via (07) 5534 6044 or email.
If after hours, please contact the relevant tradesperson as listed on page 2 of your lease agreement, or consult the Quick Reference Guide issued at the start of your tenancy.
Please also leave a detailed message of the situation on our office answering machine and send an email to pm@prdpalmbeach.com.au