How to Pay Rent
Ezidebit / Console Pay
Our preferred method for rent payments is through Ezidebit also called Consolepay.
This can easily be setup through your Console Tenant app.

Using this method of direct debit your rent payments can be debited from your bank account or credit card. Please note fees and charges apply, refer to the Ezidebit agreement for further information.
Payments will take 2 business days to clear. It is therefore important to set your debit start date at least 2 business days earlier than the day your rent is due to account for weekends and avoid rental arrears.
If you would prefer PRD Panania set Ezidebit up for you, download the application form here -
Return completed form to or to our office at PRD Panania
4/219 Tower Street, Panania NSW 2213.
Internet Transfer
This is arranged via you through your own online internet banking site.
It is of the utmost importance to include your unique tenant reference code in the reference section of your internet banking transfer.
Any transaction that does not include a reference is unable to be receipted.
Your unique tenant code can be found on your lease with our bank account details or in the console tenant app in the Agreement section.
Please add your tenant code to the reference field and NOT to the message field of your banking.
Our bank file does not recognise any details in the message field.

ANZ Bank Counter Deposits
Deposits can be made at any ANZ bank branch into our Rental Trust Account. Please refer to your lease for the bank account details.
The ANZ bank will not accept your tenant code with letters. You will need to provide the bank with your mobile phone number as a reference.
We will only be able to recognise your payment if we have an up to date mobile phone number recorded on your tenant profile.
Please contact us to ensure we have your most up to date phone number before making deposits at any ANZ branch.