PRD Tamworth 02 6763 7000
PRD Liverpool Plains 02 5740 6060
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Complaint Policy

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The Agency has zero tolerance for an Agent’s failure to comply with the Property, Stock and Business
Agents Act, Property and Stock Agents Regulation and other laws relevant to the conduct of
Business and, as such, all complaints are addressed actively and in compliance with relevant
legislation, including privacy laws.

The Agency expects all employees to take complaints handling seriously, and to adhere complaints handling
The Licensee-in-charge has exclusive carriage of the investigation and resolution of all complaints.
The Agency classifies complaints as follows:
Feedback. This type of complaint is treated as input for the Agency’s program of continuous
Financial. Complaints of inappropriate and/or illegal behaviour in relation to a financial matter
are treated most seriously by the Agency and will be actioned as a matter of utmost priority.
These complaints must be reported to the Licensee-in-charge as soon as possible and the
Licensee-in-charge will undertake an investigation and supervise their resolution resolution of
the complaint directly.
Non-financial. Allegations of inappropriate and/or illegal behaviour in relation to a non-financial
matter are treated seriously by the Agency and will be actioned as soon as practicable.
Complainant’s are requested to lodge complaints in writing, setting out matters particular and what
they view as an appropriate resolution.

The Agency will acknowledge each complaint immediately and undertake to respond to the
complainant in writing within five business days. In responding to the complaint, the Agency will
specifically address each item set out in the complaint.

All complaints will remain open until resolved or until all efforts to resolve the complaint have been

If you have a complaint, please complete the form below and this will be sent directly to the Licensee-in-charge.

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