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WATCH: September 14 , 2022 Whitsunday Weekly E-News

WATCH: September 14 , 2022 Whitsunday Weekly E-News

Hi Annette Neil from PRD Whitsunday.

Today I am down here at Volunteer Marine Rescue here in Cannonvale2, if you haven't seen this part of town yet, pop down here. You will find people behind me fishing off the rocks and the VMR building is such a stunning place if your planning to get married here in the Whitsundays, as a lot of people do in these beautiful spring days, make sure you have a look down here at the Whitsunday Marine Club. An outstanding venue with these views behind me.

Now in the media we are hearing lots of doom and gloom every single time you turn the news on. Really interesting this week, the statistics coming out from Corelogic around price growth over the last month. We did see some suburbs in Sydney, Paramatta, Campbelltown, out there in the West - South West of the city actually see price growth. That's not the only area, some other regional areas have also experienced price growth over the month, so it's not all doom and gloom, perhaps in city centre's its not such a great thing to still have property there or to maybe be an investor there, given that a lot of people are trending to work from home and the city centre's are still quite empty. However look regionally or a little bit further out and there are still some really good opportunities both in investments and capital growth. If you would like more information on what the market is doing, come along to our Research Night next week at the Reef Gateway Hotel and it's going to be an outstanding night with Chief Economist Dr Asti giving you all the property facts.

PRD Whitsunday Research Night

Wednesday 21st September at 6pm

Reef Gateway Hotel, Cannonvale



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