PRD Whitsunday 230 Shute Harbour Road, Cannonvale, QLD 4802 07 4946 2000
Request An Appraisal

Leasing Your Property

All information and references provided by tenancy applicants will be verified by us within 48 hours of receipt.

All tenancy applicants will be screened on the national tenancy databases that we subscribe to.

Unless you instruct otherwise, all potentially suitable tenancy applications will be referred to you for a decision.

We will lease your property for the rental amount nominated in the Management Agency Agreement between us (or higher if the market justifies it) and the property will not be leased for a lower amount without your prior approval.

Subject to the tenancy commencement date and the tenant’s availability, we will prepare the tenancy documentation within 48 hours of tenancy approval.

Contact Katie Gascoyne

07 4946 2017 | 0439 950 140

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